European Football Evolution

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The European football (soccer) evolution has its roots engraved in the 19th century in England. The origin of football is traced back to more than 200 years in China, Japan, Greece, and Rome. But, it was England where the evolution of modern football took place. Slowly and steadily the game gained popularity all over Europe.

In 1863, the first Football Association was formed in England. The game witnessed a lot of changes. Different rules were enforced. But the change was constant, though the size and weight of the match-ball was standardized. Later carrying the ball by hand was discarded and soccer and soccer and rugby became two different ball games.

The European football evolution started in England and traveled all over Europe making its way to other parts of the world. In 1874, August Hermann and Konrad Koch introduced the game in Germany. Soccer was introduced in the United States in the same period.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the European football evolution went through a rapid phase due to the rise of industrialization. Football was monetized. Tickets were sold in public and players started receiving incentives.

During the early 19th century, only a few national football teams existed in Europe, England, Scotland, and Germany were among them. In 1900 football was introduced in the Olympic Games. But, its was until 1930, with the formation of FIFA, football gained its momentum to emerge as the most popular sport in the world.

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