Join the Journey

Join the journey- the football insight

Join the journey of  “The Football Insight” for the lively discourse within our comments section, express your perspectives on social media, and let us cultivate a thriving community of football aficionados who share an insatiable appetite for the game. We hold your opinions in high regard and actively seek your engagement. Certainly! Allow us to … Read more

Pele, The Immortal King of Football

The Immortal King of Football-Pele

“The only footballer who surpassed the boundaries of logic”, – words by Johan Cruyff for legendary footballer Pele. On October 23, 1940, Pele was born in Três Corações, in the Brazilian province of Minas Gerais to Dondinho, a Fluminense soccer club player, and Celeste Arantes. He was originally named Edson Arantes Do Nascimento inspired by … Read more

The Formation of FIFA

The formation of FIFA

The formation of FIFA in the early 1900s was done to oversee international football matches as the sport gained popularity worldwide. On 21 May 1904, FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) was established in Paris. The founder members were the national organizations of Britain, Denmark, France, Netherland, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. On the same day … Read more

European Football Evolution

European Football Evolution

The European football (soccer) evolution has its roots engraved in the 19th century in England. The origin of football is traced back to more than 200 years in China, Japan, Greece, and Rome. But, it was England where the evolution of modern football took place. Slowly and steadily the game gained popularity all over Europe. … Read more

The Origin Of Football

Origin of football

Football is a sport that has captured the hearts of people all around the world. Its popularity has soared over the years, making it the most widely watched game globally. But do you have any idea about the origin of the football game? Let’s delve into fascinating the origin of football and travel back in … Read more

The first international football game was played in 1872

spectators watching match on large stadium

The first international football game was held in Glasgow, Scotland. The Scottish and English national teams played on 30 November 1872. This match marked the birth of international football and sparked a longstanding rivalry between the two nations on the football pitch. Scotland and England have competed 114 times in football, creating unforgettable moments and … Read more

 The Football Association (FA) banned women from playing in 1921

Football Association

In the early 1900s, women’s football was really popular; it was common for many thousands of spectators to be in attendance. But, unfortunately, on 5 December 1921, The Football Association (FA) met at its headquarters in London and announced a ban on the women’s game from being played at the professional grounds and pitches of … Read more

Football In Britain During World War 1

Football in Britain

Football, also known as soccer in some parts of the world, has undergone a remarkable transformation throughout its history, captivating and uniting millions of fans globally. Once considered a less popular sport compared to cricket, football in Britain during World War 1 experienced a significant surge in popularity when soldiers returning from the battlefields brought … Read more

The largest football stadium in the world

Largest football stadium in the world

The Rungrado 1st of May Stadium in Pyongyang North Korea holds the distinction of being the largest football stadium in the world, accommodating a staggering number of up to 150,000 individuals. While there are sources that suggest a slightly lower capacity of 114,000, it should be noted that even this figure would position the stadium … Read more

FIFA World Cup -Only 8 countries won

FIFA World Cup

The FIFA World Cup has been ongoing every fourth year since 1930, and 22 tournaments have been played since the first one in Uruguay, where only 8 different countries have won the tournament out of 80 nations participating in the game so far. Brazil has won the FIFA World Cup 5 times, which makes it … Read more